Potts AJ (2023) Seeing Thicket for the Forest: thoughts on reclassifying mesic thicket. In: Thicket Forum. Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa. www.
Potts AJ (2022) High temporal resolution repeat photography for vegetation field observations: what can we learn about the dune fynbos-thicket mosaic from >2 years’ worth of hourly photos? In: MEDECOS. Club Mykonos Resort, Langebaas, South Africa.
Potts AJ (2022) Rooting success of Portulacaria afra from across a 200 km transect. In: Thicket Forum. Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa.
Potts AJ & Lateef-Ismail A (2022) What is "mesic" thicket really? Forest or Thicket. In: Thicket Forum. Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa.
Potts AJ (2021) Thicket disturbance: a framework of “Thinking about Thicket”. In: Thicket Forum. Online. www.
Potts AJ & Grobler BA (2019) Dune diversity and the PalaeoAgulhas Plain. In: Thicket Forum. Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa.
Potts AJ (2019) The plants on the plains are not the same as on the mont(ain)s: an expert-model to predict the vegetation of the PalaeoAgulhas Plain. In: Fynbos Forum. Grootvadersbosch, Western Cape, South Africa. [Awarded prize for best talk]
Potts AJ (2019) Inter-disciplinary research: some nuts and bolts (and what we’ve learnt about the Cape). In: SAEON Graduate Network 12th Indibano. Cape St Francis, Eastern Cape, South Africa. [Invited speaker]
Potts AJ, Ragimana M, & Nkosi P (2018) To the root of the problem with spekboom establishment. In: Thicket Forum 2018. Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa.
Potts AJ (2018) A lost biome — A tale of the South African Coastal Flora. In: Biodiversity Planning Forum. Cape St Francis, Eastern Cape, South Africa.
Potts AJ (2018) A lost biome — A tale of the South African Coastal Flora. In: Fynbos Forum. Goudini, Western Cape, South Africa. [Plenary speaker: conference opening talk]
Potts AJ, Duker R, Galuszynski (2017) Thicket Restoration: an ecological-observation approach. In: Thicket Forum 2017. Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa.
Potts AJ (2017) To network, or not to network — that is the phylogenetic question. In: The 7th International Barcode of Life. Kruger National Park, South Africa.
Potts AJ (2016) Reconstructing the vegetation of the Cape palaeolandscape using correlative and mechanistic models. In Fynbos Forum. Port Elizabeth. [Part of a special session on the Cape Palaeoscape Project]
Potts AJ (2016) From the 1930's to present: a bird's eye view of Thicket. In: Thicket Forum 2016. Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa.
Potts AJ, Cowling RM, Scheiter S, Higgins SI & Franklin J (2015) Peering into the past Cape vegetation during the Last Glacial Maximum using species distribution modelling and dynamic global vegetation modelling. In: Program of the 80th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, San Francisco, California.
Potts AJ (2015) An operational framework for biome boundary research. In: Fynbos Forum. Montagu. [Plenary speaker]
Potts AJ (2015) Tracking thicket through space and time: Part 2. In: Thicket Forum. Port Elizabeth. [Invited speaker]
Potts AJ (2014) Tracking thicket through space and time. In: Arid Zone Ecology – Thicket Fusion Forum. Grahamstown. [Invited speaker].
Potts AJ, Cartwright C, Parkington J & Cowling RM (2014) Peering into fynbos past (and finding forest): late quaternary vegetation and climate inferred using fossil charcoal deposits from the Diepkloof Rock Shelter. Fynbos Forum, Knysna, Western Cape.
Potts AJ (2011) Megaherbivores leave a trail in a tree species. The Fourth Annual Postgraduate Science Symposium. University of Cape Town, Western Cape. [Awarded prize for best talk]
Potts AJ, Hedderson TA & Cowling RM (2013) Comparative phylogeography of three tree species from the Albany Subtropical Thicket: testing cornerstone hypotheses of a large-scale conservation network. In: Proceedings of the XIV Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology. Lisbon, Portugal.
Potts AJ, Hedderson TA & Grimm GW (2013) Phylogeny reconstruction in the presence of intra-individual site polymorphisms: getting your support back. In: Proceedings of the XIV Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology. Lisbon, Portugal. [Poster]
Potts AJ, Hedderson TA, Cowling RM & Vlok JHJ (2011) River drainage basins channel genetic diversity in the Albany Subtropical Thicket (AST): A comparative phylogeographic study of three plant species. In: Proceedings of the Congress of the Southern African Society for Systematic Biology, Grahamstown, Eastern Cape. [Awarded second prize for talk]
Potts AJ & Hoffman MT (2009) Vegetation changes (1973 – 2008) in semi-arid Karoo shrubland: the effects of drought and slow growth of shrubs. Arid Zone Ecology Forum, Graaf-Reinet, Eastern Cape.
Potts AJ, Hedderson TA, Cowling RM & Vlok JHJ (2009) Phylogeography of two plant species from the Thicket: Insights into the assembly, maintenance and conservation of the thicket biome. Thicket Forum, Assegaai Trails, Eastern Cape. [Awarded prize for best talk]
Potts AJ, Hedderson TA, Cowling RM & Vlok JHJ (2008) Dynamic biomes: phylogeographic reconstruction of plant histories in the Little Karoo. In Frontiers of Vegetation Science - an evolutionary angle. (Mucina, L., Kalwij, J., Smith, V., Chytry, M., White, P., Cilliers, S.S., Pillar, V.D., Zobel, M., Sun, I.-F., Eds.), pp. 230. Keith Philip Images, Stellenbosch University.