Potts Research Group:

 Plant Ecology

This Research Group is interested in many aspects of South African ecology, including palaeovegetation distributions, plant phylogeography, drivers of biome boundaries,  and Succulent Subtropical Thicket ecology (e.g. physiology, seed dispersal and restoration). It is based predominantly in the Eastern Cape ​— which is a melting pot for almost all of South Africa's vegetation types. 

Alastair has shifted to a strong focus on Succulent Thicket restoration in response to the UN Decade of Restoration and the growing interest in Portulacaria afra planting for the international carbon market. 

Students: If you are interested in joining the research group, please visit the Research Themes and Projects page to get a sense of what we do. Also feel free to make an appointment discuss your interests or ideas with Alastair (in person or over the phone).  

If you join this team, please read the extensive research group information document (which includes the ins and outs of admin) and fill out this in-case-of-emergency form.

If you need Alastair to write you a letter of reference, please download this form.

If you are a recently-gradated postgraduate student, please fill out this evaluation form.

Dr. Alastair J. Potts

Associate Professor

Botany Department

Nelson Mandela University

Office: Room 0114, Building 12, South Campus, Port Elizabeth

Email: Alastair [dot] Potts [at] mandela [dot] ac [dot] za

Sidenote: For those who may be interested, my Erdős number is 5: Paul Erdős  John H. Conway  Daniel H. Huson  Markus Göker  Guido Grimm  Alastair Potts

Impact: Google Scholar Profile; Scopus profile; Orcid ID

I am a signatory to the Cost of Knowledge protest against the publishing house Elsevier.  


Mandela University Reserve Plant Species List

Curated by Dr Adriaan Grobler. Click here for access.